Updates & News
LGBT History Month – The Local LGBT History of Leeds
As LGBT History month draws to a close, at Leeds Domestic Violence Service (LDVS) we are reflecting on and celebrating the rich LGBT+ history of Leeds and the communities that have shaped it and campaigned for the rights of LGBT+ people. Domestic abuse in LGBT+...
Clare’s Law – Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme
What is Clare's Law? Clare’s Law is a police policy which gives people the legal right to ask if their partner has any history of abuse or violence. The purpose of the scheme is to empower people to make an informed choice about staying in a relationship, and prevent...
The Hidden Victims of Domestic Abuse
The Domestic Violence and Abuse Voices Project, engaged with a male victim-survivor, Joe, and his wife, Sophie, who shared their story, highlighting how domestic abuse doesn’t only impact the victim, but also the people around them. Joe told us: “My wife has walked...
Domestic Abuse Survivors Create Meaningful Change within West Yorkshire Police
The women’s group of the Domestic Violence and Abuse Voices Project use real experiences to improve experiences of the police for future domestic abuse victim-survivors The life-changing Domestic Violence and Abuse Voices Project (Voices Project), delivered by Leeds...
World Suicide Prevention Day
First established in 2003, World Suicide Day is marked every year by people around the world on the 10th of September, with the aim of raising awareness and spreading the singular message that suicides are preventable. This year’s theme for World Suicide Prevention...
Pride Month: Supporting LGBTQIA+ Victim-Survivors
Throughout Pride Month every June, we celebrate the LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual) community, and acknowledge the people that, both historically and today, have advocated for the equal rights of this group. All through...
LDVS 2023 Impact Report
Read all about our life-changing work in the LDVS 2023 Impact Report. [dflip id="29683" ][/dflip]
Voices Project – Engaging Survivors to Create Change
The Domestic Violence and Abuse Voices Project is part of the LDVS service and is commissioned by Leeds City Council. The project works to engage victim-survivors in decision making within domestic abuse services. The Voices Project is for victim-survivors who are no...
Welcome to the brand new Leeds Domestic Violence Service website
Welcome to the brand new website for Leeds Domestic Violence service, the local authority-commissioned service for all people in Leeds affected by domestic violence and abuse. This site draws together key information on domestic violence and abuse and how to get...
24 Hour Helpline
0113 246 0401
How we can help
Click here to find out more about the different kinds of support Leeds Domestic Violence Service provides.